RT8000, RT8100, RT8200
Basic Applications
Who should attend?
This course is designed for those individuals in the semiconductor industry who require the knowledge and skills to perform routine maintenance on Orbot RT8000, RT8000 ES, RT8100 and RT8200 mask inspection systems
Course Objective and Summary
Identify, locate and describe all safety hazards associated with the basic operations of the Orbot RT8000, RT8000 ES, RT8100 and RT8200 mask inspection systems
Describe Locate and describe the main components and capabilities of the Orbot RT8000, RT8000 ES, RT8100 and RT8200 mask inspection systems.
Perform a review job
Program a recipe for an automatic review
Optimize a recipe
Apply Best Known Methods (BKMs)
Review the results
Course Benefits
* Increase functional knowledge of the Orbot RT8000, RT8000 ES, RT8100 and RT8200 mask inspection systems’ components and subcomponents
* Improve automatic defect review success rates by optimized programming of recipes
Course Information
Prerequisites: None
Course location: Classroom and Cleanroom in the GTi Application Lab
Course Length: 5 working days
Maximum Number of attendees: 4